2nd time to be offended by her husband. CPS is involved with children's temporary removal from domestic violence in the home Ms. Aerial Marie Davis would like to proceed with a divorce. funding is not available. Ms. Aerial Davis is seeking a bond modification. Only for the ability to communicate with Mr. Brent Davies. Banking and vehicles are in both names.   

Mother is seeking modification w/in 1 year of prior orders in Montgomery County. Father was arrested for agg. sexual assault of child and indecency with a child on or about 2/25/24 (not the child subject of orders). Mother has filed a pro se petition to modify on 3/4/24. She has been given forms for filing for temp orders and a TRO. She does not have possession of child, but does not know if child is still with father. 

Candace Jones is a victim of a pending criminal charge of Agg. Assault with a deadly weapon. My office has helped her obtain a 2 year protective order. I know she would like for the custody orders to follow the protective order.  

Opposing party has filed in Harris County pro se. A lot of verbal, financial, and mental abuse over course of the marriage. Opposing party would not let her get a driver's license or a job. Separated in February of 2023. She hasn't had possession of children since then. Visits are on his terms. Is looking for SPO and make-up time. Client has been given forms to file pro-se and a letter certifying her eligibility for services. 

The mom's husband filed for divorce in San Jacinto County in May 2023. In August, She filed a report with CPS against her husband after her son told her about some behavior he witnessed involving his dad and possibly the sister.  The children's ages are 6, 4, and 3. Client has already attempted to hire an attorney in August, but that attorney has not completed any work on the case and refuses to refund her money. Currently, her husband has the children and refuses to return them until after the new year. She needs a Spanish speaking attorney to assist her.  

Protective order and SAPCR for client needed against perpetrator.  Perpetrator has a history of stalking the client in the past and has gone on the run with the child previously.  

Client is seeking a modification of parenting plan in original divorce decree.   Would like to get a standard possession order and regular communication.